A Small Victory

It's been awhile since we've done any real work to the house. But a month or so ago I was driving down Evans and saw the grand opening sign of Blue Flame Powder Coating, and I was reminded of some posts I had read on the Eichler Network's Chatterbox Lounge. At some point I was reading about outdoor lighting, and many people recommended getting your older fixtures recoated. It's a win-win--keep your vintage fixtures, but have them look brand new.

So after one of our old fixtures went out in the kitchen (it was rotted out and smelled like those frogs you dissect in 9th grade biology, strangely), we made a little trip down to Mod-Livin to get new (old) fixtures for the bulb portion of the setup. I then took the old hardware and an exterior light fixture from the side of the house to be powder coated and then reinstalled on the front of the house. (The old light was where the old front door of the house used to be.)
I think I could have done a better job on picking the color, but it's certainly better than the bronzeish-gold color that all the fixtures had before, or the crappy old black fixture out front that has not had a glass housing since October when I broke it accidentally. It's been REALLY CLASSY looking out front the last 6 months, let me tell you. But finally, I can cross these small "to-dos" off the list. And I learned a little about doing some simple electrical work, of which I had exactly ZERO experience with before this.
As usual, this whole process took about 50x longer than I expected. I think I'm starting to learn....